RAINBOW Women's Group (Rainbows)
(Why Rainbow? The rainbow flag is the adopted lgbt symbol, plus, the rainbow is a universal symbol for diversity. We are Rainbow Women!)
(Lesbian, Bisexual, Questioning)
Everyone Welcome
(Why the Rainbows name? click here)

One of the biggest problems within our community can be isolation from our peers and a feeling of desperation "Am I the only one here?" This group provides a connection to other like minded women in the Okanagan community. There are some get togethers that are published privately through the closed group email.
Why the Rainbow name, what does it mean? At our original meeting, at the Kelowna Women's Centre in 2001, the forming members discussed possible names. The reason we came up with Rainbow women is because universally the 6 colour flag has been adopted by the lgbt community as their symbol, so we felt this name would signify lesbian women. Also the rainbow is a global symbol for diversity ... "all the colours of the rainbow". We felt this was fitting and we wanted to be inclusive of all women who might want to join our group ... lesbian, bisexual, women still questioning their orientation, and women who are lgbt friendly. WE ARE RAINBOW WOMEN .

- You must be a member of the list to receive or send messages to the list.
- No Spam or Unsolicited Advertising tolerated.
- This is a social networking group not a business networking group.
- To become a member of the list contact rainbows@gayokanagan.net and request to be added.
- Regarding Social Media: and larger organizations: The Rainbow Women email list is not connected to any Facebook group, or any other social media group, or any larger organization such as OPS, NOGLO, SOGALA, etc. event though we do promote their events. The Rainbow Women Group remains independent.
- Regarding Privacy: For those who have expressed concerned about privacy, and who do not want their emails being shared, who do not wish to go on Facebook ... that will never happen with this email group. Thank you for your continued support and interest.
Resources for the LGBT Community in the Thompson Okanagan in general see the gay okanagan network directory for Community Resources.